Trey Strong and Dan Biase both got their start in the building business with large production home builders. Trey was in Dallas; Dan was in San Antonio, where both had the opportunity to learn the business with two of the largest builders in the country. This provided them a tremendous amount of experience in a short period of time. Between the two of them, they’ve built over 250 homes. While production building was not what either of them wanted to do long term, it was a great way to learn the “ins” and “outs” as well as some of the successful processes of residential construction. Trey and Dan credit their time in the production world with giving them the valuable training needed to manage a project from start to finish, all while managing the needs and expectations of individual customers. They’ve applied these same principals to Flatland Homes by Trey Strong. Flatland Homes, will offer the same quality West Texans have grown to expect from Trey, but with less square footage and a lower price tag. These homes are ideal for buyers who demand quality but don’t need a ton of space. At Flatland Homes by Trey Strong customers can feel confident that their home will be built with experienced supervision and that their needs and expectations will be met throughout the building process.